Have you ever been so stressed to the point that you just wanted to break down and cry? That has been my week so far. I have been nothing but stressed and frazzled all week. Actually all semester. I have yet to figure out if I have a restoration week trip, I am now taking an independent study, I am working to pay for said independent study, I was supposed to write and post a blog post Monday, and I also just have my regular classes. I have been struggling in Economics, and it doesn’t help that that class doesn’t have a syllabus. And I have observation hours to get done. The stress is very real and sometimes it feels very inescapable. It is hard for me to find peace and quiet, or a time to rest in the craziness that is my life. I am constantly running back and forth and it has been really easy for my to push God to the side. I always come up with some excuse. Oh I need to get this done. I need to grab food before I study, I’ll read my Bible later. I need to sleep now, I’ll pray twice tomorrow at breakfast. I find all these excuses, and put God on the back burner, and then I get REALLY stressed. I have learned that I feel so much better when I find time to relax and get into the Word, when I listen to artists like Tenth Avenue North, Casting Crowns and Crowder, or when I am talking to Him. During my Bible study group today, we talked about how not only do we need church related hobbies but hobbies that are outside of church. I love writing, reading and painting. But when I keep myself busy, I don’t have time to de-stress. I have learned that it is difficult for me stop stressing when I am not putting God first in my life and taking time to do the things that I love. Lately I have de-stressed by watching "Friends". When I seek Him, He gives me rest. When things get crazy, I need to take a deep breathe, talk to God, and remember He’s got me.
Matthew 11:28
“Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
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